Remember The Matrix?

The Matrix and reality

This is a brilliantly articulated writing about the synchronistic threads between Wachowskis’ The Matrix and reality. It was written by James William Kaler. I’m sharing only a short part of the writing. In order to be able to read the full article you have to go to follow the link you find in the end. 

People have become conditioned, through years—sometimes generations—of indoctrination, to accept the world as it is presented to them.

In The Matrix, when Morpheus tells Neo that “many are not ready to unplug from the system,” he is speaking to a profound truth about human nature, which reflects both the story’s fictional world and the real-life metaphysical condition of society. The “system” in The Matrix is a metaphor for the Illusion—an artificial construct designed to control and subdue humanity by giving them a false sense of reality, much like how many live today trapped in the illusions of society, unable or unwilling to see beyond the veil of lies, manipulation, and control.

Morpheus understands that, for many, the comfort of the system is preferable to the unsettling and often painful process of awakening to truth. People have become conditioned, through years—sometimes generations—of indoctrination, to accept the world as it is presented to them. To unplug from this system is to face a harsh, sometimes unbearable, reality that everything they thought was real is, in fact, a lie. This requires courage, a willingness to embrace discomfort, and most importantly, the readiness to let go of what one thought to be the truth.

Morpheus also knew that those still plugged into the system are often its most ardent defenders. Why? Because the system has become their identity. Their sense of self, their beliefs, their values—all are tied to the illusions and constructs of that system. To threaten it is to threaten everything they hold dear. For many, it is easier to defend the system than to confront the possibility that they have been deceived.

Click HERE for the full article!

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