
New experience

Congratulations! You know you are guided by more. Thank you for listening to the call! You are ready to explore more of what this brilliant life on Earth offers you and others. You might seem to face persistent challenges in this period of your life. Regardless this you are aware that there is much more to be, live, receive and give.  

AlchemE Mentor™ is a unique process using Creation’s Codes™. It may not be like other work you might have done before. It’s not a therapy, healing or coaching session. Brett and Bri doesn’t have answers that they will then ‘tell you’. Instead they will work with you and help guide you to awarenesses and solutions that can have a vast impact on how you experience the area of your life you wish to upgrade and how that impacts your entire life, your future and everyone around you.  

Please fill out the form before your session so that the interactive with Brett and/or Bri can not only help you discover the actual energetic portrait of your life, it can also help you create the blooming brand new portrait for a bigger impact!

we see the world as we arewe see the world as we arewe see the world as we are

You will receive the AlchemE Mentor™ agreement to your email! It’s an integrated energetic part of the collaboration. You will be asked to sign it online before the session.

Please fill out the form!

The most reliable way to predict the future is to live it in the present.

Together we do it better!