
Special Gifts for You

As the holiday season is quickly approaching, Let’s celebrate in advance with exhilarating aniticpation! Until November 21 with 3 of the packages you have access to some special gifts. There are many of us who love the lights everywhere and goodwill abounding in the hearts of friends and family. This time of year is ripe with warmth, love and the Holiday Spirit. Possibilities are everywhere! There are so many ways to plan or spontaneously create and participate in incredible experiences with family and friends during the holiday season. Sleigh rides, game night gatherings, chatting, laughters, warm nights by the fire. Being together creating and sharing unforgettable experiences and memories are the threads that connect us with others. That message needs to be shared wherever we are present. It’s not a Black Friday hype, it’s a genuine sharing and adding more to your experience. The gifts that generate even more gifts  not only for You!

If you choose any of the options below, you receive a gift and/or an extra sessions with me so with the same amount of investment now you have access to even more!

This offer ends on November 21. 2022.

5 sessions with Seasonal Gifts

If you choose the 5 session option until Monday, November 21. 2022, you receive rolled (not framed) poster of your choice from my poster series. You also receive a group call focusing specifically on Spicing up the holiday season! It’s about special and creative ways and choices you can use to spice up the season for your family and friends and create unforgettable moments, experiences and memories for everyone!

Have a look at the rolled poster (not framed) you will receive together with the 5 sessions! You can find several options HERE. You will choose one of them that will be yours!

8+1 sessions with Seasonal Gifts

If you choose 8 sessions until Monday, November 21. 2022, you receive an extra session with me! Plus a framed poster of your choice from my poster series. You also receive a group call focusing specifically on Spicing up the holiday season! It’s about special and creative ways and choices you can use to spice up the season for your family and friends and create unforgettable experiences, moments and memories for everyone!

Have a look at the framed poster you will receive together with the 8+1 sessions! You find several options HERE. You will choose one of them that will be yours! 

Couple Dynamics 4+1 sessions with Seasonal Gifts

If you choose 4 sessions for a couple  until Monday, November 21. 2022, you receive an extra session with me for both of you! Plus a framed poster of your choice from my poster series. You also receive a group call focusing specifically on Spicing up the holiday season! It’s about special and creative ways and choices you can use to spice up the season for couples, your family and friends and create unforgettable experiences, monets and memories for everyone!

Have a look at the framed poster you will receive together with the couple sessions! You find several options HERE. You will choose one of them that will be yours!

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